Name: My name is Midas, but my mom calls me Her Man Midas. I was one of four surviving puppies rescued with a King Shepherd Mom at six weeks.

Hometown: Prescott, Arizona.

Age: Two years and almost four months.

Favorite brand of kibble: Anything soaked in organic chicken broth with pieces of fresh chicken mixed in.

Favorite people food: Corn chips

Favorite toy: Tennis balls, but I can pop them open in minutes—even the tough Kong ones—so mom has to buy a lot of them.

Favorite outdoor activity: Playing with new batches of foster puppies and swimming in the lake. 

Favorite indoor activity: Teasing the cats and new foster puppies.

Favorite nap spot: Mostly on the big puffy couch, but it requires testing out numerous positions to find the right spot and sometimes means I have to lay on my back with my feet up in the air.

Fitness regimen: Chasing my tennis balls or dangling a rope toy for the puppies to chase.

Describe your perfect canine pal: I like the big dogs in our house for serious romping, but the foster puppies are the best. Sometimes I can make them squeak, but then mom tells me to stop.

Describe your perfect day: Swimming in the lake, sharing picnic people lunch, and then settle in for a good nap.