What’s the best summer party on 4 paws? The 13th Annual WOOFstock and Adopt-A-Thon, of course!

The best place for family fun and finding true love? That’s WOOFstock! Saturday May 31st, from 9a‑2p at the beautiful Civic Center in Prescott Valley. The address is 7501 E Skoog Blvd.

The 2024 WOOFstock Day, as proclaimed by the Town of Prescott Valley, will be full of canine and family fun and activities. Each year dozens of rescues, family related non-profit organizations and vendors come together for one of the best celebrations of “all things dog.”

The host and coordinator of WOOFstock is Cherie Dreves, Publisher of Prescott Dog and Flagstaff Sedona Dog Magazines. Prescott Dog Magazine has been the voice for lovable Homeless Pets and those who rescue them from harm, since 2008. Cherie had a few things she’d like to share to make your WOOFstock experience more enjoyable for you and your pet.

  1. Examine your dog’s collar before leaving home to ensure the collar is not too loose. A slipped dog in a crowd is likely to become frightened and could turn and run.
  2. Please bring a 6-foot leash. We ask that retractable leashes not be used at the event.
  3. If this is your first time visiting WOOFstock, and you live close by, perhaps visit the venue in advance. Dozens of dogs walk the park each day. The green is a great oasis for tired paws. This will be helpful for both of you when WOOFstock Day comes. You’ll know where the best parking is and your pet will be familiar with the sights, sounds and smells of the park.
  4. We ask that only well behaved, socialized dogs attend our events. What does that mean, exactly? We are NOT asking for perfect. Dogs will be dogs. Dogs need to be under the control of their owners at all times. It’s truly hard for a dog not to be excitable with other dogs around. Please be sure that, when necessary, you can break off the interaction and calm your dog to continue.
  5. Dogs should be tolerant of the other dogs they meet at the event. We get dogs of all shapes, sizes, demeaners and backgrounds. All have their own beautiful story to tell and all deserve a relaxing day in the park. Make sure your fur-baby is easy to meet other dogs, taking it in stride as a pleasant part of the experience.
  6. Speaking of relaxing, if you don’t take your dogs into crowds very often, don’t get overwhelmed, as it will transfer down the leash to your fur-baby. Relax and they will too.
  7. Have a good time, visit all the sponsors and vendors, and support our local rescues.