Name: Kodiak (Kody)

Hometown: Prescott, Arizona

Age: 9 years old

Favorite brand of food: Badlands Ranch freeze-dried chicken or salmon

Favorite people food: Why, peanut butter of course!

Favorite toy: Any Kong that has peanut butter in it.

Favorite outdoor activity: Dog park visits.

Favorite indoor activity: Helping my Mom’s home-based behavioral training. I am her dog whisperer, and I help grouchy dogs learn to be friendly and safe with other dogs and people. So I’m pretty important, don’t you think?

Favorite nap spot: My cozy crate next to Mom’s bed.

My fitness regime: Dog park playtime and hiking with Mom in woods that my wolf ancestors roamed free and felt safe in from human predators.

Describe my perfect canine pal: That’s a hard question to answer. I love ALL my BFF’s that Mom introduces me to. However, who I  love the most is my wolf-dog sister, Mystik, who I grew up with; and my forever girlfriend Rosie, who gives me the best play dates ever.

Describe my perfect day: Well, because I’m Mom’s mobility service animal, I get to go EVERYWHERE she goes.! We rest up in the mornings, and then I accompany Mom to her training sessions in the afternoons and evenings. Then—after we’re done socializing at the dog park—we run Mom’s errands, and I get to see all my favorite human BFFs at all the places we have to go. My favorite place is the Prescott Square at the end of a busy day!