Name: Mary5. K9M5. My Daddy has a little jeep with my name on it. I’m kinda a big deal around Prescott, you see me all over. The only place I never get to go is Costco.
Hometown: born in Maricopa to Fur-Mom Wynona and Fur-Dad Barne. Now living a life of luxury in Prescott with Big-Dad Bryant and Mama Meghan.
Age: One year, born April 2022.
Favorite brand of kibble: My Mama handfeeds me my kibbl. I don’t know what it is, but it’s yuuumy!

Favorite people food: My Mommy sneaks me a bite of everything she has. It’s yummy stuff, too. But I have to say that the Costco hot dog is my absolute favorite!
Favorite toy: A favorite toy is my squeaky pirate chicken toy. It squeaks and squawks, and if my big lil brother Squishy is bothering me, I just squeak my chicken and it sends Squishy running to his safe spot in the bathroom. He hates the noise.
Favorite outdoor activity: Along with all of my exercise and care, I love to sit in my green grassy spot and listen to the chirping birdies and watch the golfers in my back yard hit their balls. They don’t know, but I bring their loose balls home every day. I can fit three in my mouth at once!
Favorite indoor activity: My Mommy and Daddy play with me all the time. When they need to rest, they throw my ball into the next room and I chase it. Sometimes it gets stuck under the furniture, but Mommy or Daddy come and help me get it out. They love me, and I’m their good girl.

Favorite nap spot: The most favorite nap spot I have is my front living room. The sun shines in, and I have my own blankey on my own comfy couch. The best part is Mommy Meghan can watch me because I’m on camera, and she talks to me when I’m home alone. I love her.
Fitness regimen: Oh man, my big Daddy takes me for a morning walk with my lil big brother, Squishy, at 4:30am. It’s always still dark and one day there were coyotes—a whole pack! I’m the leader of my family and I single pawly bark’ed them off and we got back home safe. My lil big brother Squishy was so proud of me, and my big Daddy Bryant gave me extra loveys and rubbies. Best day of my life!
Before my big Daddy goes to work, he takes me for the FUNNEST run, just the two of us. He gets on a one wheel and rides FAST. I get to keep up running FULL SPEED, and I LOVE it! We go about two miles every morning together.

For the afternoon, when my big Daddy gets home, he throws the flying disc, and I jump high to catch it. I jump and jump and jump. He throws it FAST. I get to chase and jump. For cool down, we go back to my house and play WATER WORKS! It’s so fun and refreshing. Dad takes the hose and I gobble the water while he sprays in different directions. He really takes good fun with me. He built me a waterfall pond, and nd I love to splish splash in it. Finally, before we go to beddy-bye at night, I get to spend a few more minutes with my Dad for a last patrol of the neighborhood before it’s nite-nite time.
Describe your perfect canine pal: My perfect K9 pal is next door to my house. His name is Champ, and it fits him paw-fectly. He is a little bigger than me and we get to play together. He chases me, I jump and dash. We have a fence between us, but our love has no boundaries.
Describe your perfect day: Spending the day with all my fur sisters and fur brother. Honey, Sugar, Squishy, Daddy and Mommy, that’s my pack! We get in the truck and go! We go to the dog park, we get ice creams or cheeseburgers and then play and run in the sun. Sometimes, we end up in streams of water. That’s the BEST!