By Holly Hill

Collie Painting

Here is a super-fun, easy project that anyone can do with their dog. It makes a great project to do on those rainy or boring days.

There are a few things you will need. Often, you already have the needed items in your home. What do you need?

Cling plastic wrap

Step One…Paint Untouched

Kid-safe/pet-safe acrylic paint (pick as many colors as you like. The more colors the better)

100% Creamy Peanut Butter (xylitol is toxic to dogs, so make sure that the peanut butter is 100% peanuts, that’s it)

A canvas board or a nice wood board (almost anything can be used just make sure it will not break)

TIP: Just about everything on this list can be picked up at your local dollar store.

Let’s get started! Get some paper towels or something you don’t mind paint on. Place your canvas on top, and grab your paint and dab, drop, dribble your acrylic paint all over the canvas.

Paint With Cling Wrap…Ready

Make sure you add a fair amount, if you don’t it will leave the white canvas showing through. If you would like that effect, then by all means try it. There is no right way with this project.

Next, grab your cling wrap, take two pieces, and cover your board: one the length of your canvas, and one the width. Make sure it covers the whole canvas. You don’t want any part of the canvas left open, it needs to be sealed in the cling wrap.

Open your peanut butter and drain the oil off the top. To much oil can give dogs bathroom issues, so it’s best to remove it.

Smear the peanut butter all over the canvas, making sure to get close to the ends. You don’t need a whole lot of peanut butter. For this small canvas, I used two full tablespoons.

Paint and Peanut Butter…Apply Dog

Here comes the fun part!

The finished project after it’s dried.

Get your dog and place the canvas on the floor, allowing them to lick all the smeared peanut butter off of the cling wrap. Normally, it only takes a few minuets for the dogs to lick all the peanut butter off.

Once your dog has finished licking off the peanut butter, pick up the canvas and slowly and carefully remove the cling wrap. This can get messy, so remove the cling wrap in an area where you can wipe up the paint.

Throw away the cling wrap and look at the art your dog made. Place the canvas in an area where it can dry for the rest of the day. Normally it takes a few hours on a warm day. It will dry faster In the sun.

You can even do this on wood name boards (also found at the dollar store). Add your dog’s name to the project, or paint some pawprints, or leave it blank. Then admire the art your dog made.

Dog + Paint + Peanut Butter