By Heidi Dahms Foster

It’s no surprise that spending quality time with your dog will strengthen your relationship. The activity doesn’t really matter – if you and your dog are more sports minded, the options are many – agility, flyball, obedience, hiking, and running are just a few. If your time, space and physical agility are a bit limited, or if you just want something fun to do with your dog at any time, trick training might be just what you are looking for!

One of the best books to get you started is 101 Dog Tricks by Kyra Sundance, the renowned trainer and founder of Do More With Your Dog, a trick training and titling program that has become so popular that the American Kennel Club recognizes its outline for the AKC’s new Trick Dog certifications.

101 Dog Tricks is a well laid out, step-by-step guide to teaching your dog a repertoire of tricks that will not only give you many enjoyable times together, but also amaze your friends and family. Most dogs seem to bask in the applause and compliments they get after performing their new tricks.

Kyra Sundance characterizes each trick as “easy,” “intermediate,” “advanced,” or “expert.” Each is accompanied by a short, clear explanation, and a series of photos that outlines step-by-step how to teach it. Very helpful is the included “troubleshooting” element that will assist if you and your dog get stumped.

Kyra uses positive training methods that emphasize reward, relationship, working with your dog, and communication. So with some patience and a sense of humor, you and your dog can shine.

You don’t have to do a lot of reading to get started with 101 Tricks. You can thumb through and pick any trick to start, although an “easy” one might be best to begin. In just a few minutes a day, you and your best friend can have the joy and sense of pride in working and learning together.

You can find 101 Dog tricks online at, either in Kindle or paperback. I recommend the paperback copy so you can have it nearby as you work with your dog when you have a few minutes available.

To better suit your dogs’ age and abilities, you can also try Sundance’s 51 Puppy Tricks, or 10-minute Dog Training Games. Whichever you choose, you’ll open up a whole new world of fun with your dog!