By Heidi Dahms Foster

Leland Gamson has put out two more of his entertaining dog books for tiny readers. The books explain different elements of dog behavior and dog wisdom in fun ways the youngest readers, (or listeners) can understand.

In My Buddy and Me, illustrated by Karen Camden Welsh, Gamson talks to youngsters about the 24 ways dogs are the same as humans, and five ways they are not. How can that be? Gamson explains: Dogs have one nose, and so do we. Both like to hike and play ball. The differences? Well, you’ll have to read the book to a youngster you love to find out together.

In Puppy School, illustrated by Nathan Watkins, Gamson takes young readers through obedience training through the eyes of the student pup. What will he learn? What won’t he learn? Will it be like people who sometimes wonder if they’ll ever use mathematics after school is out? Find out in this engaging read.

If you’re looking for fun and wholesome stocking stuffers this holiday season, Leland Gamson’s books are educational and fun for little readers and those who love to read to them.

Gamson, a retired U.S. Army veteran and retired Veterans Administration employee, enjoys telling animal stories to children. You can find his books through Rain Gardens Publishing in Cottonwood, Arizona or on Visit the website at