Name: Ellie Mae

Hometown: Boise, Idaho

Age: 13 months

Favorite brand of kibble: Anything that fits in my mouth.

Favorite people food: I’m not picky, I love everything.

Favorite toy: Tuffy toys and Benebones. The chicken-flavored bone is my favorite. 

Favorite outdoor activity: I love to chase birds, rabbits, pretty much anything that moves. I’m a Brittney-border-lab, after all.

Favorite indoor activity: Keep-away. I really enjoy keep-away from my humans. They do as well, since they love to chase me when I find a sock or a brush, anything that isn’t mine.

Favorite nap spot: In the back bedroom where it is quiet and comfy. 

Fitness regimen: Walk, run, eat, sleep, repeat!

Describe your perfect canine pal: Paws down, my sister Abbey. 

Describe your perfect day: I love to wake up at 5:15am (my humans aren›t as excited). Head outside for morning duties and a short walk before breakfast. Maybe chase a rabbit or two. Nap for an hour or so, and then off again for a loooong walk or visit to the local dog park.

Back home for dinner, nap a bit and end the day with a run around my 2.5 acres. I love the water and hope to learn to kayak this summer with my humans.