Story and photos by Cheryl Hartz

It’s ironic that a dog required rescuing at a place with cat in the name. Yet that’s exactly what happened at Arizona’s Cattail Cove State Park along the Colorado River.
We debated camping there again in April, with temperatures forecasted near 100, but decided to chance it. After all, we planned to spend plenty of time in our kayaks on the cool river.
One hot morning, as we kayaked the shoreline just below the McKinney Loop Trail, we saw a boxer of the four-legged variety frantically pacing the water’s edge. He couldn’t climb the small cliff he had come down and no owner was in sight.
We waited a bit and hailed a man coming down the trail. The boxer was his friend’s dog, Max, so the man hightailed it down the trail to find help.

We waved down a couple motoring by and they tried to get the boxer to jump on the flat front of their larger boat. Nothing doing, he continued to pace and occasionally try to climb the cliff.
The couple and I stayed near him in my kayak as my husband paddled back to the boat ramp for help from the Ranger Station.
Before long, a huge boat appeared with a couple of rangers and the dog owner’s friend on board. By then, the thirsty and panicked Max had braved the water, leapt to a more accessible place and scrambled up the cliff.
We watched him streak past the trail and head up the hill. They conveyed this to the owner and eventually, he got his dog back.

Turns out, this was a rescue of a rescue dog, that hadn’t been with the new owner very long. He most unwisely let the dog off leash while hiking. Bad idea. Very bad idea.
We hoped he had learned his lesson, but later heard the dog was unleashed in camp again. I guess he didn’t get fined for an unleashed dog or asked to pay any rescue fees. Some people just are not responsible dog owners.

Another new experience was, we saw a couple filming in the campground, and met the delightful Alan and Mitzi. With their daughter’s help, they launched a YouTube channel called Adventure Awaits with Alan and Mitzi@AdventureAwaits1313, about full-time RV-ing. They certainly are enjoying their retirement and we enjoyed their company.
Anyway, Cattail Cove is lovely, with some short, easy trails. Scenery of the surrounding mountains, river and distant dam is spectacular. Take plenty of water if you aren’t hiking in winter.
Happy alert hiking and kayaking!