By Kay Luckett

January: What’s New Pussycat? Let’s count the toys Kitty got for the holidays. The basics are feathers, balls, crunchy things, wands, interactive toys, Kongs, catnip toys, scratchers, and the best of all… empty boxes, and ribbons with wrapping paper. Lasers are great for evenings, and puzzle toys with treats are good all day. Motion toys with mice, feathers, and those making sounds are also very popular.

February: Cats are connoisseurs of comfort. A snuggle-up winter month with Kitty purring on our laps for a TV show, a good book, or just a cat nap. Our Kats may make muffins, purr, groom, or just snooze when given this special time. A good neck massage or tummy rub depending on personal preferences. A guarantee: Kitty will let us know what is best.

March: The phrase “domestic cat” is an oxymoron. While the wind blows Kitty dear will get a pedicure and a good grooming. Pussycat especially loves to be coochy-cooed under their chin and often lean into it with their soft mane. Our King or Queen stretches upward while their bottom is petted, and it is impossible to stop the loving until suddenly a paw swipes gently to announce that enough is enough for now.

April: Cats have it all—admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it. Sunny days ahead and Kitten searches for a place to stretch in the warmth. There’s a cat tower, scratch pads, the top of the couch, chairs, numerous window sills, and even our precious bedtime pillow. There are no boundaries in a feline’s world.

May: Time spent with a cat is never wasted. The weather is great with cool breezes and all the windows are open. This time and any time is a good time to play a game. Watch for clues to see which toy Kitty-Kat loves the most, for it is surely to be great game. But remember that Kitty-Cat wins each round as the favorite toy is bound to change on a whim.

June: How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven. Today visitors come and Dear Heart decides it’s a good day to hide under the bed. How to show Kitty off? Maybe guests will have to tiptoe and peek, or maybe they will meet our Babydoll by seeing the dozens of photos and videos taken each and every day. Kat’s choice.

July: I have lived with several Zen masters—all of them cats. Watering the house plants to keep them healthy during the heat waves and making sure that Kitty can eat only the ones preferred and are the best for health. One of the essentials of keeping our master safe is to search and buy only plants that have been proved and certified as animal-safe. We are ever aware of the flowers and plants that do and do not belong in our Feline’s world.

August: It is a habit of kittens that, whatever you say to them, they always purr. Is Kitty-Kitty comfy? How is the temperature today? Shall we put ice cubes in the water bowl? Is it to be a nice cool corner with a pet bed? Does our Sweetie-Pie have enough places to stretch and scratch? Whatever Kitty wants, Kitty gets.

September: Meow means woof in cat. Soft breezes carry the leaves as they begin to fall, for it is almost autumn. Can our DollyKins go for a walk on a leash? Or does Kitty just enjoy watching the seasons change from a favorite perch? Quiet days inspire cat talk, special meows, and kitty conversations from the heart that only we and our babies understand.

October: The smallest feline is a masterpiece. Does kitty have a favorite costume? Is it time for a witch’s costume or a silly hat? Or does Sweet Baby just like to watch TV? Our special angel enjoys the aquarium whether real or on TV and truly loves to sit in front of the fire (real or on TV!), a heater, or just in the waning sun as previews of the holidays appear.

November: Cats choose us: we don’t own them. Wanna play a game of dare? At those times our Royal Feline may get riled up and dare us to pull our hand away unscathed whereas another would roll over on their back for a tummy rub. Some would crawl up onto our chest to nap even when weighing in excess of 20 pounds. All of these and more create sweet bonding times with our Lord and Master. What does Catty want? More and more right now is the routine.

December: A dog will flatter you, but you have to flatter the cat. This time of year we remember that healthy foods for our baby probably include no human food unless picked from the ‘human-food-safe-for-cats-list’. We are especially careful to leave no leftovers out within reach of our Sweetheart, for enjoying the holidays with our healthy, happy baby is the holy grail we attune to all year ‘round.

Please enjoy the kitty blinks, nose-to-nose rubs, licks, and head bumps. Enjoy the new and old toys, rubs, grooming, games, snuggles, quiet times while searching for Puss-Puss in hiding places. Keeping the many special cat places clean and safe, spoiling with treats like catnip and dental chews, speaking in special meows along with smiles and blinks are the pleasures for us all. Then grooming, grooming, and more grooming, massages and petting, and all of these for as long as our Precious Feline wants. These spells love for Kitty, and it fills our world. And, for our efforts, what do we get? The special love and devotion that only true cat and animal lovers understand.

The joy of giving turns out to be the joy of receiving and that is the year-round miracle. For us who are cat, dog, animal lovers, and tree huggers, please enjoy the best 2025 ever. And for all of everyone and beyond, have a Happy New Year all year and to all a good night. MEOW