Name: Ripley

Hometown: Prescott, AZ

Age: I turned one in August. Mom and Dad say I’m not a pupper anymore, that now I’m a full blown doggo. I don’t know what that means, but my birthday cake had blueberries on it!

Favorite brand of kibble: The bag has a big blue buffalo on it, but my Mom assured me that it’s for dogs and not buffalos.

Favorite people food: Whatever I can hoover off the floor.

Favorite toy: I really like nibbling all the fuzz off my tennis balls and leaving shrapnel around the house. Also, ropes. Love ropes.

Favorite outdoor activity: I like when Mom and Dad take me on adventures. I’ve gotten to rock climb, zoom, dig, and hike in all kinds of places. I even got to ride on an airplane once! 

Favorite indoor activity: I love learning new tricks—especially ones that get Mom and Dad’s attention. Sometimes I bring them a single piece of string covered in slobber to play tug-o-war with, but they never appreciate it. SO, when that fails, I taught myself how to grip my toys so that I can wind up and whip it at their face. That definitely gets their attention.

Favorite nap spot: As long as there’s room for me to sploot or flip upside down so I can stretch out my toe beans after a long day at the Frito Factory, we’re good.

Fitness regimen: Give good morning dive bombs, ear-surf out the window, zoom around in nature, parkour off some boulders, drink lots of water, burp, repeat.

Describe your perfect canine pal: Anybody. They just have to follow the motto, “There’s no time like play-time, and play-time is all the time.”

Describe your perfect day: Well, I would wake up and immediately sploot across Mom and Dad until they make even the slightest movement. Then I know it’s time for good morning dive-bombs. After that, I’d get 42 Pup Cups for breakfast, and all the chips in the house for second breakfast. After eating so little, I’d have to spend some time basking in the sun with my reptile brother, Zeus.

Next, Mom and Dad would let me drive the truck wherever I want (aka the big treato store up the road). Then I’d get to ear-surf out the window, until Mom took over the wheel and drove the rest of the way to our favorite hike, while I gorge on all my treats in the back.

On our hike, I’d finally accomplish my goal of digging to the center of the Earth, then Mom and Dad would see how tired I am and carry me back to the truck while feeding me blueberries. I’d probably fall asleep in the back of the truck to my Mom and Dad’s heavy metal music.

When we get home, Dad would carry me to bed and tuck me in. Mom would give me two kisses on the nose and put my crown (I’m the polka-dot princess of the house) on the bedside table for my brother to polish while I rest.