A Step-By Step Guide to 118 Amazing Tricks and Stunts for a World of Fun and Accomplishment

By Heidi Dahms Foster

There’s nothing more fun than showing off your smart dog’s tricks to family and friends. Teach your pup a few simple tricks and you’ll be the life of any gathering. But trick training brings with it a treasure trove of accomplishments that make showing off just the icing on the cake.

The Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever by Larry Kay and Chris Perondi shows you step-by-step how to train your canine to perform an impressive repertoire of tricks, and committing to the rewarding time spent is a great way to start the New Year.

Now to that treasure trove. If you get a pup or a young rescue, you can start with simple tricks, generally considered good manners, such as down, stay, come, shake, roll over, stand, and wait.

These can all be taught in your living room, and many while doing daily pet chores. Simply teach your dog to wait while you open a door, and you’ll never have to deal with the hound that bolts through the door or out of the car.

Teach your dog to stay or wait while you prepare its food, and while you set it on the floor, and you’re helping your pooch to learn impulse control. Help your pup learn to walk on a leash as a youngster, and you’ll have a lifetime of pleasant strolls.

These simple tricks and the more difficult ones that are built behavior on behavior have you spending quality time with your dog. Teaching your dog tricks will help you discover your pup’s real personality, improve your pet’s behavior, reinforce socialization, prevent boredom and restlessness, and instill your pet with greater confidence. This time spent with your dog is the golden key to a great relationship between the two of you. Why wouldn’t it be? After all, you’ll be the most exciting person around to your dog!

Using the secrets of professional dog trainers, the fully illustrated Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever has hundreds of step-by-step photos that show how to teach your pet 118 tricks and stunts. Organized from beginner level to pro, these tricks include basic manners to stunts such as dance routines and flying disc acrobatics.

Many of the tricks can be stepping stones to such dog sports as rally obedience, disc competitions, flyball, agility, canine freestyle and much more. Additionally, you can earn titles for your trick dog through the American Kennel Club.

Want to train a “show” dog? Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever discusses the tricks behind filmmaking with dogs to create your own movie magic and performance showstoppers. This will undoubtedly make you a hit on social media!

Co-author Larry Kay is a Los Angeles-based award-winning writer, is Leader of the Pack at Positively Woof, which celebrates the human-animal bond. In addition to co-authoring Training the Best Dog Ever, he created the award-winning Animal Wow dog care DVD for kids. His website is positivelywoof.com.

Co-author Chris Perondi runs Stunt Dog Productions and the Stunt Dog Academy near Stockton, California with his wife, Suhey, and their team of canine performers. They perform more than 1,000 shows every year across the country in venues like Dollywood, Six Flags, and Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO. Chris Perondi’s websites are stuntdogshow.com and stuntdogacademy.com.

Find The Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever: A Step-by-Step Guide to 118 Amazing Tricks and Stunts on Amazon in Kindle, hardcover or paperback.