Giving Pups a Leg Up

UAF has a soft spot for underdogs – the ones who might not make it in the shelter because of serious medical issues requiring surgery. And that’s why, in 2020 alone, we’ve chosen to rescue eight dogs with significant leg injuries.


Ripley and Blueberry were both abandoned at veterinary clinics by their owners due to the severity of their injuries. Ripley had a badly broken leg, which our vet tried to repair with a plate. Unfortunately, the plate did not hold, and Ripley’s leg needed to be amputated. Blueberry had a broken leg and a wound that wouldn’t heal. When we discovered that the bone was infected, her leg was amputated in order to save her life. In her new life, Blueberry has been adopted into a family that includes another rescued cattle dog named… Cranberry!


Norris and Cedric had injuries that are hard for us to even think about. Norris was in a horrible accident that completely severed his leg at the forearm. The remainder of the leg was amputated in order to alleviate the pain. When we took in Cedric, we had assumed that his shattered leg was due to a car accident, but X-rays showed that he had been shot. The leg was too damaged to be saved, but Cedric is now happy, free of pain, and will never experience such cruelty again.

Happy-go-lucky Ted was limping when he was picked up by animal control, but didn’t appear to be in pain. Once at the shelter, it was discovered that his leg was broken and the bone was protruding through his skin. And not only was Ted walking on it, he was still wagging his tail! Once in our care, Ted’s leg was surgically repaired. He lost a little bit of bone, but was able to keep the leg.

Brody and Ryder came to us with breaks that were so old there was no way to repair them. Brody had a compound fracture and open wound on his rear leg. Ryder’s shoulder injury was so painful, he couldn’t even walk on it. Both dogs underwent amputations in order to restore their quality of life.


Tori had a bad break that required amputation of her rear leg but it doesn’t slow her down in her new home in Phoenix. Tori’s new owner is an Olympic runner, and her family now includes a Golden Retriever brother, with whom she shares an Instagram account.

While they may have started out as underdogs, all eight are now on top of the world in their forever homes. Some have lost a limb, but all have gained a new life. If you would like to help give other pups a leg up, please donate to United Animal Friends at or by mail to P.O. Box 11133, Prescott, AZ 86304.